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Underage Drinking in Pittsburgh

It may not seem like a big deal to have a few drinks at a college party. In fact, for many people, enjoying a few beers before a game or toasting with a bottle of sparkling wine is a normal…

What Contributes to a Mistrial? … and What Does It Mean for My Case?

While most of us have heard the term “mistrial,” few people really understand what a mistrial means. A mistrial occurs when some error in the trial process makes justice impossible if the proceedings continue. Sometimes this means that the jury…

Warrantless Searches of Vehicles OK in Pennsylvania

While police need a warrant to search a home based on probable cause in Pennsylvania, a judge’s signature is not necessary for a search of a car anymore. A Pennsylvania Supreme Court Ruling last April determined that law enforcement in…

Trial By Judge or Trial By Jury – Things You Need to Consider

In the United States, every person has the right to a trial by jury when accused of a crime, but that doesn’t mean it is your only option. You can also choose a bench trial, or a trial by judge….

I’m Being Charged at the State and Federal Levels – What Should I Do?

In general, people are charged of a crime at either the state level or the federal level, but sometimes you can be charged at both state and federal levels. Often this happens in drug cases. For example, you may be…

Site Design & SEO Information

I hear from clients, other attorneys in town, and lawyers looking to redesign their own website, “Great website!” And when it’s another lawyer, the next question is usually, “Who designed it?” or “Who’s handling your content and optimization?” To help…

License Suspensions in DUI Plea Deals

Last year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court handed down a decision that could permanently change DUI plea negotiations. Before, most plea deals for DUI charges considered license suspensions to be one of the more minor concerns to work out with the…

#TheDress Debate Highlights Problems With Eyewitness Testimony

Did you see white and gold or black and blue? Or were you one of those people who first saw one combination of colors, but watched as #TheDress seemed to change colors in front of your very eyes? The Internet…

Civil Forfeiture No Longer Federally Sanctioned

In a sweeping check on police powers, Attorney General Eric Holder prohibited local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without evidence that a crime occurred through a process called civil forfeiture. If…

House Arrest for Second DUI Charge

Our client found herself charged with her second DUI, which is a first-degree misdemeanor in Pennsylvania. If convicted, she faced a mandatory minimum sentence of 90 days in jail. Our client was worried because she lived in Ohio and would…